Holy Sugar, I'm 30!
Today is a very special day for me.
Why? I’m 30.
First, a celebration:
I’ll never get tired of that GIF no matter how many birthdays I have.
Now that we’ve celebrated…
Holy sugar. How did I turn 30 so fast?
30 might be the decade milestone number, but when I was in my teens 28 seemed like it was supposed to be the age that I got my shit together and figured out everything in my life. So naturally, 30 had to be when I knew what it was going to be like for the rest of my life.
Go ahead, laugh. I bet you that you have your own ideas of how your life was supposed to look too.
But still, where did I think I’d be by now when I was 18?
A homeowner (18 year old me was a dreamer to want this AND be debt-free)
Well on my way to building my own real estate empire
I was in for a rude awakening.
I’m happy with where I’ve been at this point in my life, but it certainly is not the path that 18 year old me could have even remotely predicted.
Key takeaways:
My 20s have been about discovering who I was… it’s okay not to know that in your 20’s. Heck, it’s okay to still not know.
Milestone ideas about where we should be helps us with the big picture, but they’re not what should be driving our lives— and creating unnecessary strife for us
None of us actually knows what we’re doing. But we’re doing the best we can
Whether I’m 18, 25, 30, or 55, I don’t think I’ll ever be bored.
My life is never been boring and will never be boring.
Why? Because I make it that way.
And I hope that by being with you through my work that I inspire you to do the same.
Happy birthday to me!