Frequently Asked Questions


In 7+ years of professional cuddling, here are the common questions I always get

Tap any of the questions below to see my answers.

What this professional cuddling thing is all about

What makes your cuddling "professional"?

Cuddling is exactly that: cuddling. Much like life coaching, professional cuddling and cuddle therapy have certifications and training programs people can take to gain skills to cuddle people with genuine care yet with the emotional skills to navigate the complexities that come up while cuddling.

Cuddling, like any kind of interaction with other people, requires consent and body autonomy on both sides. Professionals and cuddle therapists have spent time learning how to best navigate consent in ways that support you to have healthier interactions with people as a whole, not just in cuddle sessions.

We do a lot of work to make sure being physically close is not only safe for you, but genuinely something that's helpful for you. The last thing we want to do is take advantage of people that are hurting.0

Think of it this way: professional cuddling is like having a surrogate, emotionally healthy, cuddly friend that can support you. Wtih me, you're able to experience what a healthy friendship or relationship dynamic can be like so you can recreate that in your own life.

For more info, watch my Youtube video on the topic here

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What happens during a session?

Sessions vary depending on the reason you're coming in.

Our first session starts with meeting in a public space for the first half hour before spending the rest of our session in a private cuddle space (+90 minutes if you're coming to my office in Woburn, +3.5 hours if I'm traveling to you). This helps me get to know you and your needs better, and I take this time to assess how you're coming into these sessions, if you have specific goals in mind (some people do, some don't; either is okay), and how to best approach a session with you.

For all clients, you're NEVER expected to endure touch you don't want. In fact, for some touch-adverse clients trying to explore touch at their own pace, we may not touch at all in our first session. That's normal!

As far as how we'll cuddle? That's up to you to decide and ask for. I may be an expert at cuddling, but I'm not an expert on you and what you want. I may offer ideas or some questions to help you come up with how you might want to cuddle, but you don't have to come up with something immediately just so we can "get the show on the road," so to speak. Take as much time as you need to figure out what you want to do, and then ask for it.

I discuss this further in my intro video all new clients are required to watch before booking me.

Click here to watch the video

Who do you work with?

Since starting in 2015, I 've worked with people 18+ (any younger people cannot sign their own medical papers, so I'm not able to work with you at this time. Sorry!). I've worked well with people running companies, people starting their careers, and various people different work backgrounds in between. I've worked with people of various religious or spiritual belief systems as well from Orthodox Jews to Satanists.

I do my best to be queer-friendly, trans-friendly, non-monogamous-friendly, ESL-friendly and neurodiverse-friendly by continually educating myself. I'm increasingly aware of my privilege as an educated, able-bodied white woman in Massachusetts. I have worked with people that are: Indian, Pakistani, Palestinian, Israeli, African, Mexican, Brazilian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, and various other demographics. I do my best to educate myself on the cultural challenges people might be experiencing due to their demographics, and I try to tailor sessions for their needs.

I do my best to be clear on what accessibility limits there are for my incall practice and what I feel capable of doing in order to accommodate your needs. If you have specific needs, please ask!

This is all to say: I don't disqualify based on background. In fact, if you're reading this and are wondering if you'd be too awkward for me, I'm an ex engineer by training (and a proud graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute). Awkward is me and my best friend from college over ten years ago, not a reason you can't come see me.

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Do you work with women?

Yes! I don't discriminate, especially not on gender. Women and other femme peoples are worthy of safe, comfortable connection with touch.

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I'm not very attractive. Is that okay?

First, I'm willing to bet that you're more good-looking than you think.

Second, I don't care what you look like. Some clients like sending me a picture of themselves before a session so I know who to look for when they arrive for their session, but that's not a requirement.

Quite frankly, your hygiene is more important to me than how good-looking you are.

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My hygiene? What do you expect for that?

I ask that all my clients try to bathe and brush their teeth within 12 hours of their session time with me, to not smoke within 1-2 hours of seeing me, and to wear clean clothing for our session. Also please refrain from smoking and drinking at least one hour from our session time.

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I'm an older guy. Is that a problem?

Not at all! I've done sessions with people as old as 85 before. Your age doesn't disqualify you from cuddling-- in fact, I think it's even MORE important for you! And if you think it's weird to ask from cuddling from someone with such a big age difference, I invite you to ask yourself: are you seeing me for the right reasons?

That all said, accessibility needs due to your age (i.e can't walk up stairs, skin sensitivities, arthritis, etc.) is more important to me so I can try to accommodate you. Please do share those so I can see how I can better make your session more worry-free and safe for you.

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What do I wear?

You just need to wear a top and pants. Shorts, sweatpants, leggings, pajamas, t-shirts, dress shirts, jeans... I want you to be comfortable with what your choice of clothing is, but bare minimum is a tank top and gym shorts.

Men and masc folk, please note: boxer briefs are not pants. If you dress down to a t shirt and boxer briefs, I will ask you put your pants back on for the session.

Think of it this way: would you walk outside, grab the paper, and talk to your neighbor in what you want to wear for 30 minutes? If you or your neighbor would be uncomfortable looking at you in what you're wearing in that scenario, it's not appropriate for sessions.

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What will you wear?

My own clothing will have the same requirements as you: a top and pants of some sort. This could be yoga pants, sweatpants, tank top, t shirt, etc.

I do wear undergarments under these clothes and this is a non-negotiable for me.

For my personal comfort in sessions, I don't take specific clothing requests unless a request is due to:

  1. A religious guest honoring the space (i.e women in Apostolic households)


  1. Skin irritation or allergies due to certain fabrics (i.e tactile discomfort for autistic peoples, textile dermatitis, etc.)


  1. You're uncomfortable with me wearing certain things and want me to wear more or thicker clothing than I normally might (i.e long pants instead of gym shorts, long sleeve shirts instead of tanktops or T shirts, sweat pants instead of yoga pants, etc.). If you have this specific request when I visit your home, I ask you to please have temperature controls available so I don't overheat.

Otherwise, my body autonomy is important to me, including what to wear. Asking for me to wear less clothing or to wear certain types of clothing with sexual undertones (i.e short shorts, crop top, dress, skirt, stockings, nude, just lingerie, etc.) leaves me feeling uncomfortable and less trusting of you with my body. I don't entertain those requests, and erotic requests like this means an immediate end to us working together and forefeiting any funds given for sessions.

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Can I pay with cash?

When you sign up for your first session you will be prompted to put a card on file. You can do this without paying with the card and then choose to pay in cash at your session. The card will only be charged in the event of late cancellations or no-shows.

If saving a card on file is not an option for you for any reason, you can also pay in full via Venmo or simply schedule a time to coordinate a cash drop-off at least one day before our session (and ideally, as soon as you know you want to have a session). Note that you will not be put on the schedule until this is complete and you risk other people taking the time you want scheduled in the meantime.

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What do you need my credit card and ID for?

Your card is saved to charge in the event of a no-show (which you would be charged the full amount of the session) or for a cancellation less than 12 hours before the session (which are charged 50% of the session cost.) I'm not able to use the card you save on file otherwise as it's protected with bank-level encryption through Square Inc. and the full account number is not revealed to me.

I also need to see your ID to confirm you're over 18 and to verify that the credit card is indeed yours. If a family member is paying for your session from their own accounts, I need written consent from them confirming that they authorize the charge.

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What's okay and not okay in a session?

Here's a quick summary, but it's not meant to be an exhaustive list:

Yes to wearing a shirt and bottoms

No to wearing only boxer shorts (think of pants you’d wear outside)

Yes to shoulder massages

No touching under clothes

Yes it's okay if you get aroused

No to escalating a session sexually if you get aroused

Yes to touching faces (just ask first)

No to kissing

Yes to touching the stomach area, but

No to erogenous zones (genitals, breasts, buttocks)

For further reading, you can refer to this article on what's generally okay in a session here and what's generally not okay in a session here

If you have other questions, please ask!

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Time and session lengths

When are you available?

My general availability (updated 1/29/25) is:

Mondays 11am-9pm Tuesdays 11am-9pm NO Wednesdays Thursdays 11am-9pm Fridays 11am-5:30pm No Saturdays Sundays 3-9pm

Custom sessions (such as: travel with you sessions, all day sessions, etc.) are scheduled on a case-by-case basis at my discretion with different availability. To be considered, please start with watching my intro video before moving forward with your custom request.

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Can I see you today?

Current clients are able to request sessions with me last minute, but I am not always available to do so. New clients are also able to book 24 hours in advance.

Regardless,I recommend you take the first step so that when you know you're ready and have time to come in, you can take the first step quickly because you watched the orientation video and followed the steps to book me.

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You said you were available a certain time and when I tried to book you later, it's not available anymore. What gives?

My clients have 24/7 access to my calendar online. They can book at their convenience, and if you don't book something in time it might not be availalbe. Addtionally, my schedule is increasingly being filled with clients that keep standing appointments with me as often as twice a week, and I prioritize their scheduling stability. If a client commits to a regular session cadence, a certain day and time might not be open anymore.

In general, I recommend booking a time that works for you if you know over 24 hours in advance and if you find out later it won't work, to please reschedule with at least 12 hours notice.

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How long is a session?

First time clients must do either a 2-hour session in my cuddle room/office in Woburn OR a 4-hour session in a location of their choice, up to an hour from Woburn. Returning client sessions can be any length from 1 hour to 4 hours long, and we would decide together what might work best for you.

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Can I do a longer session?

For your first session we start with 2- hour in my office or 4-hour at your location. At this time the longest session I can accomodate is a 4 hour session. However, you're always welcome to ask to extend our time if possible if you'd prefer to have an extra half hour or hour. Sometimes I can accomodate this.

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Can I do a session less than an hour long?

If you can only do, say, a 45 minute session, you can book that but you will be charged for the full one hour. One hour is the minimum billing I do.

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Can I do an overnight session with you?

This is considered a custom offering, but I do offer overnight sessions for clients I've seen before. Note that I do not discount my rate for overnight sessions and you must provide where our overnight will be.

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What's the longest session you've ever done?

I've done a week traveling with a client that was part cuddling, part companionship, part coaching, and part mental health support overall. For those that want a travel companion, we can talk about what that might look like. Expect to pay at least $4k minimum for multi-day experiences, and I require we have two chats before our session and at least one chat after our session.

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Work location

Where do you host?

My cuddle sessions are in my dedicated cuddle room in an office building in Woburn MA (near the Stop and Shop). I'm on the fifth floor (which is easily accessible by elevator), and I require all guests wait in the reception area to meet me before sessions. For after business hours (5pm-), I may need to meet you on the bottom floor so you may access the buidlling with me.

While this might sound overly formal, I assure you that my cuddle room is all but formal. I have a queen sized daybed set up and non-florescent lighting in the room as well as cozy decorations you would expect from a cuddle therapist.

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Can you come to me?

I can! I require a 4-hour session for our first session and minimum 3 hour sessions thereafter. I'll travel up to one hour away from Woburn. Any further than that and you'll have to come to me.

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Can you travel with me and give me cuddling while we're traveling for a few days?

Possibly! I've done this quite a few times before.

I'm open to being your cuddler for gaming tournaments (chess, poker, MTG, etc.), business travel, conferences, trips for funeral preparations, just to have someone to explore a city with you, and more. I have been someone's pre-match cuddler before for a multi-day chess tournament before.

We can talk about what you think you would want during that time while traveling (just a couple cuddle hours a day versus overnights and most waking hours together), and what we would be doing when not cuddling so I can determine a fair fee.

Also note: all my travel expenses must be covered by you (airfare, hotel costs, food and drink, etc.) and I ask for a minimum of three week's notice. Payment for 1/2 the total cost plus flight and hotel is due 2 1/2 weeks prior to start of travel and full payment is due 1 week prior to start of travel. Cancellation refund is only available for up to 5 days prior to travelling and not valid on costs incurred for nonrefundable travel.

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Can you tell me when you're in my area?

I have several clients and I don't necessarily "tour" per se at this time. However, you're welcome to reach out and try to scehdule something directly with me after watching my orientation video, be it you coming to Boston or you bringing me to Boston.

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I live far away but I want a session with you. How can I see you?

There's a few options!

  1. You can make a trip out to see me.

  2. If you're less than a one hour drive, see "Can you come to me?"

  3. If you're willing to have me fly or take a train to you, you can pay:

My hourly rate for travelling to you from each hour upon arriving at Boston Logan to finishing our session.

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What If…

I have health issues, like mental or physical limitations?

Please tell me ASAP! I'd love to be able to accommodate your needs as best I can, and the more I know about you ahead of time the better equipped I will be.

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What if I can't give you my contact info?

I'm sorry, for privacy and security reasons I can't work with you if you're not willing or able to give me your contact information.

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I'm not comfortable and want to stop?

Can I trust that you will say that you are? If so, when you say that you're not comfortable, we can reset our session, stop cuddling if we need to, and talk about it. This is your session, and I want to know when you're uncomfortable so we can work on that.

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I want to extend our session while I'm there?

You can ask! I can't always, depending on my schedule or the timing of the session, but I'm happy to work with your session length needs as much as possible. This is also why having a card on file is to your benefit: instead of stopping the session to pull out your wallet, we can simply change our end time and I'll charge the card for the additional time after the session.

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I need to cancel?

Please let me know by calling, text and/or email at least 12 hours before the session. You can also cancel the session in the link provided in your confirmation email. Otherwise, I reserve the right to a cancellation fee worth 50% of the session cost.

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I run into you in public outside of a session?

If you initiate contact, I'll greet you. I won't out you as a client in company (unless you out yourself). I always look to you for direction on this as I value my client's privacy and needs for discretion.

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I don't want my spouse to find out I'm seeing you?

I don't disclose your information if you've seen me to anyone you haven't given me express permission to, so if they call I can't provide them with any information.

I don't judge you for coming to see me without telling them and that is not a prerequisite to seeing me. That said, I've found that couples that are willing to tell their spouses tend to see great results both in my sessions and in their marriage

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I want you to wear something for my session?

As noted earlier, I don't take clothing requests for my own comfort. I pick the clothing I wear and you pick the clothing you wear, and I only ask that you follow my minimum clothing requirements. I'll do the same.

I find that when we're both comfortable with our own bodies, we can be comfortable with each other's bodies for a cuddle session.

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I get aroused while we're cuddling?

The short answer: nothing happens if that happens, and nothing changes unless you need to step away or break contact somehow.

Getting aroused while cuddling is normal. I don't get upset or offended by noticing, although if you're a man/masc person with an erection I might adjust positions so that I'm not in contact with it.

Like all feelings—happy, sad, angry, nervous—arousal is a feeling that is welcome in our sessions. This is a place where suppressing how you feel isn't always helpful, but at least acknowledging yourself that the feeling is present and intentionally deciding you're not going to escalate cuddling into something else has been really helpful for many of my clients.

We can continue cuddling as we were beforehand if you feel you can do so, and I'm open to less contact overall if that's what you need for your arousal to dissipate.

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I'm "generous" if you offer me more than cuddling?

My work is adjacent to sex work, but the boundaries for my work are for the purpose of maintaining a therapeutic session and not a sexual one.

I suggest one of two things if you thought this might be okay to ask me for:

  1. Consider what it is you're hoping to get out of having more than cuddling-- closeness? More connection? Skin contact?-- And I ask you to consider if that can get met through a cuddling session as I've described it.

  2. If you really think what you need is more than cuddling, look for a sex worker. Especially since you're willing to pay more than I charge for it, many kind and helpful sex workers would be happy to help you. I cannot recommend any or point you where to go due to criminalization laws.

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You say no to something I ask for and really want?

No doesn't mean I hate you or that you're terrible. It just means no, I don't want that and am not okay with that. Once I say this, it's now on you to decide if you can accept my no. If not, then we probably need to stop cuddling together.

One big part of my professional cuddling practice is having a space where you can safely hear no and be okay with it.

That said, I've noticed many people have feelings of shame and/or anger come up after I say no to something they want. I make a point to not make anyone "wrong" when I say no, but many people have a sensitivity to rejection (some even Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, a very real condition!). If this happens in our session, I might provide guidance around what you might be making it out to mean and insight around what my thought process so we have full transparency as it relates to saying no.

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