How Comfortable Am I In My Own Skin?
No matter how good you think I look in my Instagram selfies, you don’t know what I went through to try to get it to look that way.
Often the one you see was one in thirty I took and the only one I actually like. There would be two, but there was that one that made my forehead too shiny for any filter to fix it.
And don’t get me started on video selfies.
You damn better. I wasted a lot of time making sure you do.
But here’s the thing: I hardly ever take pictures of myself otherwise. I never think to. Hell, I don’t always remember to look in the mirror before I go out.
Why? Because I accept myself as I am, even if it’s not entirely perfect.
But how am I so comfortable in my own skin? The answer is a bit more complex than cuddling with people for a living (in fact, sometimes that spikes my self-consciousness).
In today’s video, I explain a few stories and my thoughts around my journey of being comfortable in my own skin.
If someone is pointing out your flaws, it probably doesn’t have to do with you. Often times, someone else had said it to them and they felt the need to say it to you.
7x mirrors are self-conscious enablers!
Good comments from others aren’t a sustainable way to validate yourself (though they are nice to receive!)
Body function and what I can do with it now is what I value more.
Your body is your body. It is what it looks like and I prefer to accept it!
If you can accept your body on a daily basis and still do things to be you, then that’s dope.