In March of 2018, I got a call from Lisa Meece from Holding Space to join some of the industry leaders in creating and contributing to a standard code of ethics in an attempt to bring together the many many styles of professional cuddling that have emerged over the past fifteen years. I was floored and honored to be part of this committee.

Below is what all of us presented on a panel together at CuddleXpo 2018 to discuss with other cuddlers. This is the first version recorded for standardizing the industry. I and the professional cuddlers I refer out follow this code of ethics and I expect anyone I see to as well.

Statement of Purpose

We aspire to codify a code of ethics that will set a baseline on which a variety of individuals and organizations can build diverse and unique practices that we recognize as “professional cuddling.” We hope to create an alliance of practitioners within the professional cuddling industry, and to use that alliance to increase the credibility of the industry and its practitioners.


Professional Cuddling: A service using consent based concepts to create a customized platonic experience in exchange for compensation.

Professional Cuddler: An individual who provides Professional Cuddling.

Client: A person receiving Professional Cuddling.

Platonic: Interaction that is free from intentionally arousing or engaging in sexual activity for all parties. Platonic specifically excludes but is not limited to nudity, genital stimulation, exchange of bodily fluids including saliva, and touch of hands on any area commonly covered by undergarments.

Client Conduct

As a Client of a Professional Cuddler, I:

  • Agree to respect all boundaries set by the Professional Cuddler.

  • Understand the platonic nature of the service.

  • Understand that this is a professional relationship and will treat it as such.

  • Agree not to pursue sexual arousal, or sexual interaction with my cuddler within or outside of sessions.

  • Communicate personal boundaries and what I find comfortable throughout each session.

  • Agree to disclose to my cuddler any diagnoses or conditions that may affect the session.

  • Disclose any use of a substances that would affect my ability to give consent during a session.

  • Practice respectful personal hygiene.

General Conduct

As a Professional Cuddler, I:

  • Acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of clients by not discriminating solely on the basis of gender, religion, nationality, race, disability, sexual preference, sexual orientation, body size, and age (above the age of consent).

  • Make verbal and written statements that are true and accurate about what I offer as a cuddler, and about the cuddling profession.

  • Accurately identify my qualifications, expertise, experience, training, certifications, and credentials.

  • Acknowledge the confidential nature of the client relationship and respect each client’s right to privacy within the constraints of the law.

  • Maintain, store, and dispose of any records related to cuddling in a way that respects confidentiality, security, and privacy.

  • Obey and uphold relevant laws in my business.

  • Use sound business practices.

Conduct with Clients

As a Professional Cuddler, I:

  • Before sessions I will make clear to the client any fees that I will charge for my service. I will ensure that all interpersonal transactions between the client and myself are non-exploitative and directly relevant to their care.

  • I will refrain from selling any product or other service to the client during sessions.

  • Ensure that clients understand the platonic nature of the service before working with them.

  • Agree not to pursue sexual arousal, or sexual interaction with my cuddler within or outside of sessions.

  • If you would like to develop a sexual relationship with a client, all professional cuddling interaction must stop. Best practice is to maintain a set period of no contact before beginning such a relationship.

  • Model the communication of personal boundaries and what I find comfortable throughout each session.

  • Refrain from any use of any substance that would prevent me from being fully present and mindful during a session.

  • Make the physical and mental well-being of each client a primary consideration in all decisions and interactions.

  • Practice respectful personal hygiene.

  • Disclose any illness or conditions that may be contagious before interacting with clients in person.

  • Interact with clients within the limits of my competence. To the best of my ability, recognize when clients require care that is beyond my capability to provide, and attempt to refer clients to appropriate health care professionals when necessary.

Developed by:

Samantha HessCuddle Up to Me

Madelon GuizannoCuddlist

Kitty MansfieldCuddle Professionals International

Lisa MeeceHolding Space, LLC

Maryelen ReidCapcuddlers, Canadian Association of Professional Cuddlers

Keeley ShoupCuddlist

Janet TrevinoReTouch 

Samantha VarnerinSnuggle with Sam

Fei Wyatt, Cuddle Sanctuary